The principle of implants is simple: the dermatologist takes hair follicles from areas of the scalp that are not affected by baldness and transplants them to the bald areas. These healthy follicles - not miniaturized - repopulate in a way, the less provided areas and bring healthy hair there. Today we practice micro-grafts, hair by hair, which allows having a satisfactory aesthetic result. However, it is necessary to multiply the sessions (we can implant only 1000 to 5000 hairs per session approximately), and the process remains expensive. In our society, physical appearance has an increasingly important place where hair plays a fundamental role. This is why every year; many people suffering from alopecia decide to have recourse to hair micrografting. This aesthetic medical technique consists of redistributing hair capital, from an area genetically programmed never to fall (the crown and the neck), onto a bald area, most often on the front. There are mainly two main sa...